Source code for oemof.tabular.facades

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" Facade's are classes providing a simplified view on more complex classes.

More specifically, the `Facade`s in this module act as simplified, energy
specific  wrappers around `oemof`'s and `oemof.solph`'s more abstract and
complex classes. The idea is to be able to instantiate a `Facade` using keyword
arguments, whose value are derived from simple, tabular data sources. Under the
hood the `Facade` then uses these arguments to construct an `oemof` or
`oemof.solph` component and sets it up to be easily used in an `EnergySystem`.

**Note** The mathematical notation is as follows:

* Optimization variables (endogenous variables) are denoted by :math:`x`
* Optimization parameters (exogenous variables) are denoted by :math:`c`
* The set of timesteps :math:`T` describes all timesteps of the optimization

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import dataclasses
import warnings
from collections import deque
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Sequence, Union

from import EnergySystem
from import Node
from oemof.solph import Bus, Flow, Investment, Sink, Source, Transformer
from oemof.solph.components import ExtractionTurbineCHP, GenericStorage
from oemof.solph.custom import ElectricalBus, ElectricalLine, Link
from import sequence
from import SuspiciousUsageWarning

# Switch off SuspiciousUsageWarning
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SuspiciousUsageWarning)

[docs]def kwargs_to_parent(cls): r""" Decorates the __init__ of a given class by first passing args and kwargs to the __init__ of the parent class. Parameters ---------- cls : Class with an __init__ to decorate Returns ------- cls : Class with decorated __init__ """ original_init = cls.__init__ def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs): # pass only those kwargs to the dataclass which are expected dataclass_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)] } original_init(self, **dataclass_kwargs) # TODO: Could move the following lines to a __post_init__ kwargs.update(dataclasses.asdict(self)) super(cls, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.build_solph_components() cls.__init__ = new_init return cls
[docs]def dataclass_facade(cls): r""" Decorates a facade class by first as a dataclass, taking care of args and kwargs in the __init__ Parameters ---------- cls : facade class Returns ------- cls : facade class """ assert issubclass(cls, Facade) # First, decorate as dataclass. # The settings are important to not override the __hash__ method # defined in cls = dataclass(cls, unsafe_hash=False, frozen=False, eq=False) # Second, decorate to handle kwargs in __init__ cls = kwargs_to_parent(cls) return cls
[docs]def add_subnodes(n, **kwargs): deque((kwargs["EnergySystem"].add(sn) for sn in n.subnodes), maxlen=0)
[docs]class Facade(Node): """ Parent class for oemof.tabular facades. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ """ self.mapped_type = type(self) self.type = kwargs.get("type") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.subnodes = [] EnergySystem.signals[EnergySystem.add].connect( add_subnodes, sender=self ) def _nominal_value(self): """Returns None if self.expandable ist True otherwise it returns the capacity """ if self.expandable is True: if isinstance(self, Link): return {"from_to": None, "to_from": None} else: return None else: if isinstance(self, Link): return { "from_to": self.from_to_capacity, "to_from": self.to_from_capacity, } else: return self.capacity def _investment(self): if not self.expandable: self.investment = None return self.investment if self.capacity_cost is None: msg = ( "If you set `expandable`to True you need to set " "attribute `capacity_cost` of component {}!" ) raise ValueError(msg.format(self.label)) if isinstance(self, GenericStorage): if self.storage_capacity_cost is not None: self.investment = Investment( ep_costs=self.storage_capacity_cost, maximum=self._get_maximum_additional_invest( "storage_capacity_potential", "storage_capacity" ), minimum=getattr(self, "minimum_storage_capacity", 0), existing=getattr(self, "storage_capacity", 0), ) else: self.investment = Investment( maximum=self._get_maximum_additional_invest( "storage_capacity_potential", "storage_capacity" ), minimum=getattr(self, "minimum_storage_capacity", 0), existing=getattr(self, "storage_capacity", 0), ) else: self.investment = Investment( ep_costs=self.capacity_cost, maximum=self._get_maximum_additional_invest( "capacity_potential", "capacity" ), minimum=getattr(self, "capacity_minimum", 0), existing=getattr(self, "capacity", 0), ) return self.investment def _get_maximum_additional_invest(self, attr_potential, attr_existing): r""" Calculates maximum additional investment by substracting existing from potential. Throws an error if existing is larger than potential. """ _potential = getattr(self, attr_potential, float("+inf")) _existing = getattr(self, attr_existing, 0) if _existing is None: _existing = 0 if _potential is None: _potential = float("+inf") maximum = _potential - _existing if maximum < 0: raise ValueError( f"Existing {attr_existing}={_existing} is larger" f" than {attr_potential}={_potential}." ) return maximum
[docs] def update(self): self.build_solph_components()
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Reservoir(GenericStorage, Facade): r"""A Reservoir storage unit, that is initially half full. Note that the investment option is not available for this facade at the current development state. Parameters ---------- bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the storage unit is connected to. storage_capacity: numeric The total storage capacity of the storage (e.g. in MWh) capacity: numeric Installed production capacity of the turbine installed at the reservoir efficiency: numeric Efficiency of the turbine converting inflow to electricity production, default: 1 profile: array-like Absolute inflow profile of inflow into the storage output_parameters: dict Dictionary to specifiy parameters on the output edge. You can use all keys that are available for the class. The reservoir is modelled as a storage with a constant inflow: .. math:: x^{level}(t) = x^{level}(t-1) \cdot (1 - c^{loss\_rate}(t)) + x^{profile}(t) - \frac{x^{flow, out}(t)}{c^{efficiency}(t)} \qquad \forall t \in T .. math:: x^{level}(0) = 0.5 \cdot c^{capacity} The inflow is bounded by the exogenous inflow profile. Thus if the inflow exceeds the maximum capacity of the storage, spillage is possible by setting :math:`x^{profile}(t)` to lower values. .. math:: 0 \leq x^{profile}(t) \leq c^{profile}(t) \qquad \forall t \in T The spillage of the reservoir is therefore defined by: :math:`c^{profile}(t) - x^{profile}(t)`. Note ---- As the Reservoir is a sub-class of `oemof.solph.GenericStorage` you also pass all arguments of this class. Examples -------- Basic usage examples of the GenericStorage with a random selection of attributes. See the Flow class for all Flow attributes. >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_bus = solph.Bus('my_bus') >>> my_reservoir = Reservoir( ... label='my_reservoir', ... bus=my_bus, ... carrier='water', ... tech='reservoir', ... storage_capacity=1000, ... capacity=50, ... profile=[1, 2, 6], ... loss_rate=0.01, ... initial_storage_level=0, ... max_storage_level = 0.9, ... efficiency=0.93) """ bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str efficiency: float profile: Union[float, Sequence[float]] storage_capacity: float = None capacity: float = None output_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) expandable: bool = False
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.nominal_storage_capacity = self.storage_capacity self.outflow_conversion_factor = sequence(self.efficiency) if self.expandable: raise NotImplementedError( "Investment for reservoir class is not implemented." ) inflow = Source( label=self.label + "-inflow", outputs={self: Flow(nominal_value=1, max=self.profile)}, ) self.outputs.update( { self.bus: Flow( nominal_value=self.capacity, **self.output_parameters ) } ) self.subnodes = (inflow,)
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Dispatchable(Source, Facade): r""" Dispatchable element with one output for example a gas-turbine Parameters ---------- bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the unit is connected to with its output capacity: numeric The installed power of the generator (e.g. in MW). If not set the capacity will be optimized (s. also `capacity_cost` argument) profile: array-like (optional) Profile of the output such that profile[t] * installed capacity yields the upper bound for timestep t marginal_cost: numeric Marginal cost for one unit of produced output, i.e. for a powerplant: mc = fuel_cost + co2_cost + ... (in Euro / MWh) if timestep length is one hour. Default: 0 capacity_cost: numeric (optional) Investment costs per unit of capacity (e.g. Euro / MW) . If capacity is not set, this value will be used for optimizing the generators capacity. expandable: boolean True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. output_paramerters: dict (optional) Parameters to set on the output edge of the component (see. oemof.solph Edge/Flow class for possible arguments) capacity_potential: numeric Max install capacity if capacity is to be expanded capacity_minimum: numeric Minimum install capacity if capacity is to be expanded The mathematical representations for these components are dependent on the user defined attributes. If the capacity is fixed before (**dispatch mode**) the following equation holds: .. math:: x^{flow}(t) \leq c^{capacity} \cdot c^{profile}(t) \ \qquad \forall t \in T Where :math:`x^{flow}` denotes the production (endogenous variable) of the dispatchable object to the bus. If `expandable` is set to `True` (**investment mode**), the equation changes slightly: .. math:: x^{flow}(t) \leq (x^{capacity} + c^{capacity}) \cdot c^{profile}(t) \qquad \forall t \in T Where the bounded endogenous variable of the volatile component is added: .. math:: x^{capacity} \leq c^{capacity\_potential} **Objective expression** for operation: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t x^{flow}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t) For constraints set through `output_parameters` see oemof.solph.Flow class. Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_bus = solph.Bus('my_bus') >>> my_dispatchable = Dispatchable( ... label='ccgt', ... bus=my_bus, ... carrier='gas', ... tech='ccgt', ... capacity=1000, ... marginal_cost=10, ... output_parameters={ ... 'min': 0.2}) """ bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str profile: Union[float, Sequence[float]] = 1 capacity: float = None capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") marginal_cost: float = 0 capacity_cost: float = None capacity_minimum: float = None expandable: bool = False output_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ if self.profile is None: self.profile = 1 f = Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, max=self.profile, investment=self._investment(), **self.output_parameters, ) self.outputs.update({self.bus: f})
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Volatile(Source, Facade): r"""Volatile element with one output. This class can be used to model PV oder Wind power plants. Parameters ---------- bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the generator is connected to capacity: numeric The installed power of the unit (e.g. in MW). profile: array-like Profile of the output such that profile[t] * capacity yields output for timestep t marginal_cost: numeric Marginal cost for one unit of produced output, i.e. for a powerplant: mc = fuel_cost + co2_cost + ... (in Euro / MWh) if timestep length is one hour. capacity_cost: numeric (optional) Investment costs per unit of capacity (e.g. Euro / MW) . If capacity is not set, this value will be used for optimizing the generators capacity. output_paramerters: dict (optional) Parameters to set on the output edge of the component (see. oemof.solph Edge/Flow class for possible arguments) capacity_potential: numeric Max install capacity if investment capacity_minimum: numeric Minimum install capacity if investment expandable: boolean True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. The mathematical representations for this components are dependent on the user defined attributes. If the capacity is fixed before (**dispatch mode**) the following equation holds: .. math:: x^{flow}(t) = c^{capacity} \cdot c^{profile}(t) \qquad \forall t \in T Where :math:`x_{volatile}^{flow}` denotes the production (endogenous variable) of the volatile object to the bus. If `expandable` is set to `True` (**investment mode**), the equation changes slightly: .. math:: x^{flow}(t) = (x^{capacity} + c^{capacity}) \ \cdot c^{profile}(t) \qquad \forall t \in T Where the bounded endogenous variable of the volatile component is added: .. math:: x_{volatile}^{capacity} \leq c_{volatile}^{capacity\_potential} **Objective expression** for operation: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t (x^{flow}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t)) Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_bus = solph.Bus('my_bus') >>> my_volatile = Volatile( ... label='wind', ... bus=my_bus, ... carrier='wind', ... tech='onshore', ... capacity_cost=150, ... profile=[0.25, 0.1, 0.3]) """ bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str profile: Union[float, Sequence[float]] capacity: float = None capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") capacity_minimum: float = None expandable: bool = False marginal_cost: float = 0 capacity_cost: float = None output_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ f = Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, fix=self.profile, investment=self._investment(), **self.output_parameters, ) self.outputs.update({self.bus: f})
[docs]@dataclass_facade class ExtractionTurbine(ExtractionTurbineCHP, Facade): r""" Combined Heat and Power (extraction) unit with one input and two outputs. Parameters ---------- electricity_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the chp unit is connected to with its electrical output heat_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the chp unit is connected to with its thermal output fuel_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the chp unit is connected to with its input carrier_cost: numeric Cost per unit of used input carrier capacity: numeric The electrical capacity of the chp unit (e.g. in MW) in full extraction mode. electric_efficiency: Electrical efficiency of the chp unit in full backpressure mode thermal_efficiency: Thermal efficiency of the chp unit in full backpressure mode condensing_efficiency: Electrical efficiency if turbine operates in full extraction mode marginal_cost: numeric Marginal cost for one unit of produced electrical output E.g. for a powerplant: marginal cost =fuel cost + operational cost + co2 cost (in Euro / MWh) if timestep length is one hour. capacity_cost: numeric Investment costs per unit of electrical capacity (e.g. Euro / MW) . If capacity is not set, this value will be used for optimizing the chp capacity. expandable: boolean True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. The mathematical description is derived from the oemof base class `ExtractionTurbineCHP < stable/oemof_solph.html#extractionturbinechp-component>`_ : .. math:: x^{flow, carrier}(t) = \frac{x^{flow, electricity}(t) + x^{flow, heat}(t) \ \cdot c^{beta}(t)}{c^{condensing\_efficiency}(t)} \qquad \forall t \in T .. math:: x^{flow, electricity}(t) \geq x^{flow, thermal}(t) \cdot \frac{c^{electrical\_efficiency}(t)}{c^{thermal\_efficiency}(t)} \qquad \forall t \in T where :math:`c^{beta}` is defined as: .. math:: c^{beta}(t) = \frac{c^{condensing\_efficiency}(t) - c^{electrical\_efficiency(t)}}{c^{thermal\_efficiency}(t)} \qquad \forall t \in T **Objective expression** for operation includes marginal cost and/or carrier costs: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t (x^{flow, out}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t) + x^{flow, carrier}(t) \cdot c^{carrier\_cost}(t)) Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_elec_bus = solph.Bus('my_elec_bus') >>> my_fuel_bus = solph.Bus('my_fuel_bus') >>> my_heat_bus = solph.Bus('my_heat_bus') >>> my_extraction = ExtractionTurbine( ... label='extraction', ... carrier='gas', ... tech='ext', ... electricity_bus=my_elec_bus, ... heat_bus=my_heat_bus, ... fuel_bus=my_fuel_bus, ... capacity=1000, ... condensing_efficiency=[0.5, 0.51, 0.55], ... electric_efficiency=0.4, ... thermal_efficiency=0.35) """ carrier: str tech: str electricity_bus: Bus heat_bus: Bus fuel_bus: Bus condensing_efficiency: Union[float, Sequence[float]] electric_efficiency: Union[float, Sequence[float]] thermal_efficiency: Union[float, Sequence[float]] capacity: float = None carrier_cost: float = 0 marginal_cost: float = 0 capacity_cost: float = None expandable: bool = False input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) conversion_factor_full_condensation: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.conversion_factors.update( { self.fuel_bus: sequence(1), self.electricity_bus: sequence(self.electric_efficiency), self.heat_bus: sequence(self.thermal_efficiency), } ) self.inputs.update( { self.fuel_bus: Flow( variable_costs=self.carrier_cost, **self.input_parameters ) } ) self.outputs.update( { self.electricity_bus: Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, investment=self._investment(), ), self.heat_bus: Flow(), } ) self.conversion_factor_full_condensation.update( {self.electricity_bus: sequence(self.condensing_efficiency)} )
[docs]@dataclass_facade class BackpressureTurbine(Transformer, Facade): r""" Combined Heat and Power (backpressure) unit with one input and two outputs. Parameters ---------- electricity_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the chp unit is connected to with its electrical output heat_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the chp unit is connected to with its thermal output fuel_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the chp unit is connected to with its input carrier_cost: numeric Input carrier cost of the backpressure unit, Default: 0 capacity: numeric The electrical capacity of the chp unit (e.g. in MW). electric_efficiency: Electrical efficiency of the chp unit thermal_efficiency: Thermal efficiency of the chp unit marginal_cost: numeric Marginal cost for one unit of produced electrical output E.g. for a powerplant: marginal cost =fuel cost + operational cost + co2 cost (in Euro / MWh) if timestep length is one hour. Default: 0 expandable: boolean True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. capacity_cost: numeric Investment costs per unit of electrical capacity (e.g. Euro / MW) . If capacity is not set, this value will be used for optimizing the chp capacity. Backpressure turbine power plants are modelled with a constant relation between heat and electrical output (power to heat coefficient). .. math:: x^{flow, carrier}(t) = \frac{x^{flow, electricity}(t) + x^{flow, heat}(t)}\ {c^{thermal\:efficiency}(t) + c^{electrical\:efficiency}(t)} \\ \qquad \forall t \in T .. math:: \frac{x^{flow, electricity}(t)}{x_{flow, thermal}(t)} = \frac{c^{electrical\:efficiency}(t)}{c^{thermal\:efficiency}(t)} \qquad \forall t \in T **Objective expression** for operation includes marginal cost and/or carrier costs: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t (x^{flow, out}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t) + x^{flow, carrier}(t) \cdot c^{carrier\_cost}(t)) Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_elec_bus = solph.Bus('my_elec_bus') >>> my_fuel_bus = solph.Bus('my_fuel_bus') >>> my_heat_bus = solph.Bus('my_heat_bus') >>> my_backpressure = BackpressureTurbine( ... label='backpressure', ... carrier='gas', ... tech='bp', ... fuel_bus=my_fuel_bus, ... heat_bus=my_heat_bus, ... electricity_bus=my_elec_bus, ... capacity_cost=50, ... carrier_cost=0.6, ... electric_efficiency=0.4, ... thermal_efficiency=0.35) """ fuel_bus: Bus heat_bus: Bus electricity_bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str electric_efficiency: Union[float, Sequence[float]] thermal_efficiency: Union[float, Sequence[float]] capacity: float = None capacity_cost: float = None carrier_cost: float = 0 marginal_cost: float = 0 expandable: bool = False input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.conversion_factors.update( { self.fuel_bus: sequence(1), self.electricity_bus: sequence(self.electric_efficiency), self.heat_bus: sequence(self.thermal_efficiency), } ) self.inputs.update( { self.fuel_bus: Flow( variable_costs=self.carrier_cost, **self.input_parameters ) } ) self.outputs.update( { self.electricity_bus: Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), investment=self._investment(), ), self.heat_bus: Flow(), } )
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Conversion(Transformer, Facade): r"""Conversion unit with one input and one output. Parameters ---------- from_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the conversion unit is connected to with its input. to_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the conversion unit is connected to with its output. capacity: numeric The conversion capacity (output side) of the unit. efficiency: numeric Efficiency of the conversion unit (0 <= efficiency <= 1). Default: 1 marginal_cost: numeric Marginal cost for one unit of produced output. Default: 0 carrier_cost: numeric Carrier cost for one unit of used input. Default: 0 capacity_cost: numeric Investment costs per unit of output capacity. If capacity is not set, this value will be used for optimizing the conversion output capacity. expandable: boolean or numeric (binary) True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. capacity_potential: numeric Maximum invest capacity in unit of output capacity. capacity_minimum: numeric Minimum invest capacity in unit of output capacity. input_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the input edge of the conversion unit (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) ouput_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the output edge of the conversion unit (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) .. math:: x^{flow, from}(t) \cdot c^{efficiency}(t) = x^{flow, to}(t) \qquad \forall t \in T **Objective expression** for operation includes marginal cost and/or carrier costs: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t (x^{flow, out}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t) + x^{flow, carrier}(t) \cdot c^{carrier\_cost}(t)) Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_biomass_bus = solph.Bus('my_biomass_bus') >>> my_heat_bus = solph.Bus('my_heat_bus') >>> my_conversion = Conversion( ... label='biomass_plant', ... carrier='biomass', ... tech='st', ... from_bus=my_biomass_bus, ... to_bus=my_heat_bus, ... capacity=100, ... efficiency=0.4) """ from_bus: Bus to_bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str capacity: float = None efficiency: float = 1 marginal_cost: float = 0 carrier_cost: float = 0 capacity_cost: float = None expandable: bool = False capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") capacity_minimum: float = None input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) output_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.conversion_factors.update( { self.from_bus: sequence(1), self.to_bus: sequence(self.efficiency), } ) self.inputs.update( { self.from_bus: Flow( variable_costs=self.carrier_cost, **self.input_parameters ) } ) self.outputs.update( { self.to_bus: Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, investment=self._investment(), **self.output_parameters, ) } )
[docs]@dataclass_facade class HeatPump(Transformer, Facade): r"""HeatPump unit with two inputs and one output. Parameters ---------- low_temperature_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where unit is connected to with its low temperature input. high_temperature_bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the unit is connected to with its high temperature input. capacity: numeric The thermal capacity (high temperature output side) of the unit. cop: numeric Coefficienct of performance carrier_cost: numeric Carrier cost for one unit of used input. Default: 0 capacity_cost: numeric Investment costs per unit of output capacity. If capacity is not set, this value will be used for optimizing the conversion output capacity. expandable: boolean or numeric (binary) True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. capacity_potential: numeric Maximum invest capacity in unit of output capacity. Default: +inf. low_temperature_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the input edge of the heat pump unit (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) high_temperature_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the output edge of the heat pump unit (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) input_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the input edge of the conversion unit (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) .. math:: x_{electricity\_bus, hp}^{flow} = \frac{1}{c^{COP}} \cdot x_{hp, high\_temperature\_bus}^{flow} .. math:: x_{low\_temperature\_source, low\_temperature\_bus}^{flow} = x_{hp, high\_temperature\_bus}^{flow} \frac{c^{COP} -1}{c^{COP}} **Objective expression** for operation includes marginal cost and/or carrier costs: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t (x^{flow, out}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t) + x^{flow, carrier}(t) \cdot c^{carrier\_cost}(t)) Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> electricity_bus = solph.Bus("elec-bus") >>> heat_bus= solph.Bus('heat_bus') >>> heat_bus_low = solph.Bus('heat_bus_low') >>> fc.HeatPump( ... label="hp-storage", ... carrier="electricity", ... tech="hp", ... cop=3, ... carrier_cost=15, ... electricity_bus=elec_bus, ... high_temperature_bus=heat_bus, ... low_temperature_bus=heat_bus_low) """ electricity_bus: Bus high_temperature_bus: Bus low_temperature_bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str cop: float capacity: float = None marginal_cost: float = 0 carrier_cost: float = 0 capacity_cost: float = None expandable: bool = False capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") low_temperature_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) high_temperature_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.conversion_factors.update( { self.electricity_bus: sequence(1 / self.cop), self.low_temperature_bus: sequence((self.cop - 1) / self.cop), self.high_temperature_bus: sequence(1), } ) self.inputs.update( { self.electricity_bus: Flow( variable_costs=self.carrier_cost, **self.input_parameters ), self.low_temperature_bus: Flow( **self.low_temperature_parameters ), } ) self.outputs.update( { self.high_temperature_bus: Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, investment=self._investment(), **self.high_temperature_parameters, ) } )
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Load(Sink, Facade): r"""Load object with one input Parameters ---------- bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the demand is connected to. amount: numeric The total amount for the timehorzion (e.g. in MWh) profile: array-like Load profile with normed values such that `profile[t] * amount` yields the load in timestep t (e.g. in MWh) marginal_utility: numeric Marginal utility in for example Euro / MWh input_parameters: dict (optional) .. math:: x^{flow}(t) = c^{amount}(t) \cdot x^{flow}(t) \qquad \forall t \in T Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_bus = solph.Bus('my_bus') >>> my_load = Load( ... label='load', ... carrier='electricity', ... bus=my_bus, ... amount=100, ... profile=[0.3, 0.2, 0.5]) """ bus: Bus amount: float profile: Union[float, Sequence[float]] marginal_utility: float = 0 input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.inputs.update( { self.bus: Flow( nominal_value=self.amount, fix=self.profile, variable_cost=self.marginal_utility, **self.input_parameters, ) } )
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Storage(GenericStorage, Facade): r"""Storage unit Parameters ---------- bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the storage unit is connected to. storage_capacity: numeric The total capacity of the storage (e.g. in MWh) capacity: numeric Maximum production capacity (e.g. in MW) efficiency: numeric Efficiency of charging and discharging process: Default: 1 storage_capacity_cost: numeric Investment costs for the storage unit e.g in €/MWh-capacity capacity_cost: numeric Investment costs for the storage unit e.g in €/MW-capacity expandable: boolean True, if capacity can be expanded within optimization. Default: False. storage_capacity_potential: numeric Potential of the investment for storage capacity in MWh. Default: +inf. capacity_potential: numeric Potential of the investment for capacity in MW. Default: +inf. input_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the input edge of the storage (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) ouput_parameters: dict (optional) Set parameters on the output edge of the storage (see oemof.solph for more information on possible parameters) Intertemporal energy balance of the storage: .. math:: x^{level}(t) = x^{level}(t-1) \cdot (1 - c^{loss\_rate}) + \sqrt{c^{efficiency}(t)} x^{flow, in}(t) - \frac{x^{flow, out}(t)}{\sqrt{c^{efficiency}(t)}}\\ \qquad \forall t \in T .. math:: x^{level}(0) = 0.5 \cdot c^{capacity} The **expression** added to the cost minimizing objective funtion for the operation is given as: .. math:: x^{opex} = \sum_t (x^{flow, out}(t) \cdot c^{marginal\_cost}(t)) Examples --------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades as fc >>> my_bus = solph.Bus('my_bus') >>> es = solph.EnergySystem( ... timeindex=pd.date_range('2019', periods=3, freq='H')) >>> es.add(my_bus) >>> es.add( ... fc.Storage( ... label="storage", ... bus=my_bus, ... carrier="lithium", ... tech="battery", ... storage_capacity_cost=10, ... invest_relation_output_capacity=1/6, # oemof.solph ... marginal_cost=5, ... balanced=True, # oemof.solph argument ... initial_storage_level=1, # oemof.solph argument ... max_storage_level=[0.9, 0.95, 0.8])) # oemof.solph argument """ bus: Bus carrier: str tech: str storage_capacity: float = 0 capacity: float = 0 capacity_cost: float = 0 storage_capacity_cost: float = None storage_capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") expandable: bool = False marginal_cost: float = 0 efficiency: float = 1 input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict) output_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ self.nominal_storage_capacity = self.storage_capacity self.inflow_conversion_factor = sequence(self.efficiency) self.outflow_conversion_factor = sequence(self.efficiency) # make it investment but don't set costs (set below for flow (power)) self.investment = self._investment() if self.investment: self.invest_relation_input_output = 1 for attr in ["invest_relation_input_output"]: if getattr(self, attr) is None: raise AttributeError( ( "You need to set attr " "`{}` " "for component {}" ).format(attr, self.label) ) # set capacity costs at one of the flows fi = Flow( investment=Investment( ep_costs=self.capacity_cost, maximum=self._get_maximum_additional_invest( "capacity_potential", "capacity" ), existing=self.capacity, ), **self.input_parameters, ) # set investment, but no costs (as relation input / output = 1) fo = Flow( investment=Investment(existing=self.capacity), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, **self.output_parameters, ) # required for correct grouping in oemof.solph.components self._invest_group = True else: fi = Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), **self.input_parameters ) fo = Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, **self.output_parameters, ) self.inputs.update({self.bus: fi}) self.outputs.update({self.bus: fo}) self._set_flows()
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Commodity(Source, Facade): r"""Commodity element with one output for example a biomass commodity Parameters ---------- bus: oemof.solph.Bus An oemof bus instance where the unit is connected to with its output amount: numeric Total available amount to be used within the complete timehorzion of the problem marginal_cost: numeric Marginal cost for one unit used commodity output_paramerters: dict (optional) Parameters to set on the output edge of the component (see. oemof.solph Edge/Flow class for possible arguments) .. math:: \sum_{t} x^{flow}(t) \leq c^{amount} For constraints set through `output_parameters` see oemof.solph.Flow class. Examples --------- >>> from oemof import solph >>> from oemof.tabular import facades >>> my_bus = solph.Bus('my_bus') >>> my_commodity = Commodity( ... label='biomass-commodity', ... bus=my_bus, ... carrier='biomass', ... amount=1000, ... marginal_cost=10, ... output_parameters={ ... 'max': [0.9, 0.5, 0.4]}) """ bus: Bus carrier: str amount: float marginal_cost: float = 0 output_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ f = Flow( nominal_value=self.amount, variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, summed_max=1, **self.output_parameters, ) self.outputs.update({self.bus: f})
[docs]@dataclass_facade class Excess(Sink, Facade): """ """ bus: Bus marginal_cost: float = 0 capacity: float = None capacity_potential: float = float("+inf") capacity_cost: float = None capacity_minimum: float = None expandable: bool = False input_parameters: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] def build_solph_components(self): """ """ f = Flow( nominal_value=self._nominal_value(), variable_costs=self.marginal_cost, investment=self._investment(), **self.input_parameters, ) self.inputs.update({self.bus: f})
[docs]class Shortage(Dispatchable): """ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Generator(Dispatchable): """ """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
TYPEMAP = { "backpressure": BackpressureTurbine, "bus": Bus, "heatpump": HeatPump, "commodity": Commodity, "conversion": Conversion, "dispatchable": Dispatchable, "electrical bus": ElectricalBus, "electrical line": ElectricalLine, "excess": Excess, "extraction": ExtractionTurbine, "generator": Generator, "link": Link, "load": Load, "reservoir": Reservoir, "shortage": Shortage, "storage": Storage, "volatile": Volatile, } TECH_COLOR_MAP = { "acaes": "brown", "ocgt": "gray", "st": "darkgray", "ccgt": "lightgray", "heat-storage": "lightsalmon", "extraction-turbine": "orange", "heat-pump": "skyblue", "motoric-chp": "gray", "electro-boiler": "darkblue", "pv": "gold", "onshore": "skyblue", "offshore": "darkblue", "ce": "olivedrab", "hp": "lightsalmon", "battery": "lightsalmon", "ror": "aqua", "phs": "darkblue", "reservoir": "slateblue", "biomass": "olivedrab", "storage": "lightsalmon", "battery": "lightsalmon", "import": "crimson", } CARRIER_COLER_MAP = { "biomass": "olivedrab", "lithium": "lightsalmon", "electricity": "darkred", "hydro": "aqua", "hydrogen": "magenta", "uranium": "yellow", "wind": "skyblue", "solar": "gold", "gas": "lightgray", "lignite": "chocolate", "coal": "darkgray", "waste": "yellowgreen", "oil": "black", }